Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing #17 Online Videos

I am very familiar with both YouTube and TeacherTube. There are numerous instructional videos related to math on both of these sites. Some are entertaining; some are humorous; some offer quality instruction; and some aren't so great. These are great supplemental resources to provide to students during class or on a classroom website or blog to allow viewing outside of class. Here, I've embedded a video from YouTube that is a very creative song parody that discusses some of the uses of derivatives in an amusing and perhaps a bit dorky manner.


  1. Funny and creative video!

  2. That was a funny video! I am always seeking out funny videos to show my students between lectures or before and after a lab. I know after about 20 minutes of me speaking, students tend to zone out, so by breaking the boredom with a quick 1 to 2 min funny video releated to school or your class - they just love it. I have done this a few times and when I finish with the videos that I have left, they begin to ask me "hey do you have another funny video?" I need to tap into this and say , "yeah as soon as I finish my lecture and you can answer a few questions(Checking for understanding) then I will show you a quick funny video. Good stuff! Thanks for the laugh!
